What sets NVFC apart?
Expert teachers
Expert teachers, center-like environment with the comforts of home and intimacy of family.
A majority of the morning is spent outside in our child-friendly outdoor space; interacting with the resident flock of chickens, picking apples from the backyard trees and playing with Snoopy and Noe (the dogs).
1:4 Teacher to child ratio
Low ratio and positive guidance supporting social-emotional development and active child-led problem solving (1:4).
Learn Through Play
Children learn through play, in our inquiry-based curriculum and projects.
We prioritize promoting wonderment and creativity.
Daily Documentation
Daily documentation – each day teachers record individual narratives of children’s activities, learning and development (notes on food, sleep, diapering etc.).
Healthy Meals
Healthy, worldly, organic meals, freshly prepared daily.
We believe in offering local, fresh, tasty food options for our children.
Activity Sharing
Photographs of activities and outings are published each day on our closed social media page.
Family focused care, collaborative relationships with families for consistency of care. We recognize the importance of family and their unique knowledge of their child.
How do children learn at NVFC?
We welcome you and your child to what we trust will be an extension of your home. By working together we will provide an environment that promotes quality child care and education.
Our energetic and creative teaching team see children as, active participants in their own learning, who investigate and explore as we guide their choice of play. We encourage children’s learning through natural invitations to explore, fun and engaging learning opportunities, and provoking environments.
Children learn through play in a rich environment filled with diverse activities and open-ended play objects.
Design play spaces that act as ‘third teachers.’
Celebrate children’s uniqueness and interests.
We don’t ‘teach’ – teachers observe, expand and support learning through reflecting with children, encouraging curiosity and inquiry.
Develop authentic relationships, based in respect, trust and acceptance.
Behavior Management
Our child behavior management policy is based on the importance of respect and dignity for the child, acknowledging and accepting children’s feelings, and encouraging these feelings to be expressed.
Appropriate and desirable behaviours NVFC encourages:
— Turn taking
— Being kind to our pets
— Being kind to others in actions and words
— Respect for others and our environment
— Respect for others belongings
— Safe practices
Steps we take towards establishing good behavior management include:
— Setting and maintaining appropriate limits of behavior
— Verbal redirection
— Explaining the appropriate uses of materials and equipment
— Reinforcing positive behavior with praise
— Explaining why a behavior is inappropriate or unacceptable and providing acceptable options
— Offering children choices and encouraging decision making.
— Setting realistic expectations which are age and stage appropriate
— All staff encouraged to model non-violent behavior for the children’s interactions with each other.
The Places We Go
At Noe Valley Family Childcare we go out into the community every day. We access public transport, walk and hike to local playgrounds and places of interest.